Alfred Ip

elements | Estate Planning Advice for Same-Sex Couples

elements | Estate Planning Advice for Same-Sex Couples 900 600 Hugill & Ip

Current legal framework and recent judicial review proceedings impacting same-sex couples’ inheritance rights

Another Year, Another #PinkFridayPride

Another Year, Another #PinkFridayPride 800 566 Hugill & Ip

Hugill & Ip joins Pink Friday again! Friday 19 November 2021 marks the celebration of LGBT+ inclusion by making the invisible truly visible. Pink Friday is a collective community effort…

明報 Ming Pao News | 遺囑非有錢人專利

明報 Ming Pao News | 遺囑非有錢人專利 900 506 Hugill & Ip

Everyone – not just the rich – should be concerned about Estate Planning

Podcast S3E5 | Family: Nuptial Agreements

Podcast S3E5 | Family: Nuptial Agreements 1400 788 Alfred Ip

Alfred Ip & Raphael Wong of our Family law team on prenuptial and postnuptial agreements – enforceability, assets disclosure, renegotiation, real-life examples.

Mental Capacity | Legal issues and real-life scenarios “智”關重要

Mental Capacity | Legal issues and real-life scenarios “智”關重要 900 600 Hugill & Ip

心智能力 | 法律問題和現實生活的情況

Private Client Explained: Powers of Attorney

Private Client Explained: Powers of Attorney 1200 800 Hugill & Ip

The term Power of Attorney is often misunderstood or used incorrectly – this Q&A explains what it means and the types of PoA commonly used in Hong Kong

HK01 | 伴侶出軌都「有得分」! 律師拆解離婚留神位 為婚姻「買保險」

HK01 | 伴侶出軌都「有得分」! 律師拆解離婚留神位 為婚姻「買保險」 2048 1536 Hugill & Ip

A properly planned separation of assets in case of divorce is like buying life insurance

HK01 | 離婚分身家都要「揀地方」? 律師︰港成離婚之都  擁不少優勢

HK01 | 離婚分身家都要「揀地方」? 律師︰港成離婚之都  擁不少優勢 900 614 Hugill & Ip

Choosing the right place to divorce is even more important than choosing the place to get married. Hong Kong, due to the advantages of its legal system, has become the “Divorce Capital”.

Hong Kong Economic Times | 虛幣監管空窗期 律師籲注意風險

Hong Kong Economic Times | 虛幣監管空窗期 律師籲注意風險 1051 701 Hugill & Ip

高葉律師行合夥人葉煥信律師表示,目前香港對加密貨幣監管不多,當中有許多灰色地帶和不穩定性。 Alfred Ip, Partner at Hugill & Ip, said that at present there is not much regulation of cryptocurrencies in Hong Kong, and many gray areas and instability still exist.

Estate Planning FAQ: Trusts

Estate Planning FAQ: Trusts 1200 675 Hugill & Ip

We go through some of the questions related to Trusts that we often get asked. Trusts can efficiently achieve different goals for many different clients.

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