LGBT Rights Progress in Hong Kong

LGBT Rights Progress in Hong Kong

LGBT Rights Progress in Hong Kong 1280 680 Hugill & Ip

Will Ripley and Matthew Love talk about marriage equality and rights of same-sex couples in the territory. Despite the lack of progress in enacting legislation for the protection of the rights of same-sex couples, there have been a few landmark cases which have allowed same-sex couples to apply for dependent visas, to receive spousal benefits in the civil service and to jointly file tax returns.

Matthew highlights the need for the LGBT community and its allies to fight for additional rights, of which some are related to inheritance, sex orientation and identity discrimination, and the adoption of children.

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Will Ripley和Matthew Love談論香港的同性伴侶婚姻平權問題。香港在確立同性伴侶權利的法律保障方面雖然缺乏進展,但最近法律上的幾宗案件已讓同性伴侶爭取到受養人簽證、公務員配偶福利與合併報稅的權利。

Matthew Love同時強調LGBT社群及其盟友需要爭取更多權利,當中包括繼承權、性別取向和身份歧視以及收養孩子的權利。

由即日起至2019年12月31日我們會以撰寫遺囑為關懷愛滋籌款。欲知詳情請參閱Wills of Concern。



Will Ripley
Here in Asia there’s been a lot of talk about marriage equality lately. Our close neighbour here in Hong Kong – Taiwan – they passed it. There are conversations happening in places like Japan, Thailand, Vietnam. Here in the territory what’s the situation?


Matthew Love
As it stands right now, Hong Kong generally does not recognise same-sex marriage and I say generally because there have been a couple of landmark cases recently that have started to at least chip away what was once a total ban, a total refusal to recognise same-sex marriage, even if they are performed overseas in places where same-sex marriage is legally recognised.


Will Ripley
You are talking about dependent visas and benefits for some same-sex partners? 你說的是受養人簽證和某些同性伴侶的福利?

Matthew Love
Correct, some but not all. The recent case that came down extended equal spousal benefits, but only to civil servants. 沒錯,只是某些而非全部。最近的有關配偶福利的案例只包括公務員

Will Ripley
So, private sector companies are not required to do so? 即是說私營機構不必跟從?

Matthew Love
Not private sector, only those in the public sector. 私營機構不需要,只有公共部門需要

Will Ripley
What else needs to be done? 還有其他方法嗎?

Matthew Love
Quite a bit. In addition to the push for just the general recognition of marriage, there’s a whole host of other issues that go beyond mere taxation and the ability to sponsor your spouse for a visa, we are talking about inheritance rights, discrimination in the workplace, adoption of children.


Matthew Love
So there’s still a lot of ground to cover. 所以還有許多討論空間

Will Ripley
Basically there is a massive difference in how same-sex couples are treated here versus traditional married couples, straight couples.


Will Ripley
To build on the momentum that is currently happening, what else needs to be done? 按照現時的趨勢,還有甚麼需要做?

Matthew Love
I think it is very important that the LGBT community and its allies really seize on the momentum that has been created by these couples, these people that have been willing and brave enough to stand up and fight for their families and for their community and to keep pushing for equal rights until LGBT citizens have the same rights, opportunities and privileges as everyone else.


Will Ripley
Just like any other civil rights issue, it’s not easy. It takes a fight. 與其他公民權利一樣,往往需要爭取

Matthew Love
It does. And it’s something we can’t become complacent on. 沒錯,而且不可以因為一點成就沾沾自喜

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